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* Exchange account/mail-address: [mailto:Givenname.Surname@ru.nl Givenname.Surname@ru.nl]
[[Category:Public]] [[Category:Support]] [[Category:AllPages]]
* Web client: https://mail.ru.nl
The Exchange account gives you access to the central RU mail and calendar service.
* For instructions how to set up email or calendar clients please visit [http://www.ru.nl/ict-uk/staff/mail-calendar/ this page].
* Credentials you use to authorize this account : [[U-account]]
The Exchange account gives you access to the RU mailservice, with [http://mail.ru.nl/ @ru.nl and/or @student.ru.nl email (RU Exchange Outlook Web App email)The corresponding email address is John.Smith@ru.nl or J.Smith@student.ru.nl. University mailings will use this address.
* [[ExchangeAccount|Exchange account == ru email-address]]: [mailto:Givenname.Surname@ru.nl Givenname.Surname@ru.nl] or [mailto:ru\u123456@ru.nl ru\u123456@ru.nl]  
* User account:  [[U-Account]]
** username: your [[U-Account]] preceded with 'ru\'      eg. ru\u123456
** password: your [[U-Account]]'s password.
* Exchange server: mail.ru.nl
Your Exchange account gives you access to your:
Your Exchange account gives you access to your:
* [[E-mail#Exchange_mail| Exchange Mail]]  
* [[E-mail#Exchange_mail| Exchange Mail]]  
* [[ExchangeCalendar| Exchange Calendar]]
* [[ExchangeCalendar| Exchange Calendar]]
look at above pages for more details.
By default all mail to your Exchange account is forwarded to you Science Account, however you can still use the exchange calendar without any problems.
Note that by default all mail to your Exchange account is forwarded to you Science Account, however you can still use the exchange calendar without any problems. For details see: [[Email#Science_Email_or_Exchange_Email]]
If you want to use Exchange Mail instead of Science Mail the "redirect" can be turned off by logging in to https://mail.ru.nl with your U-number preceded by "RU\" and your RU password. After that, you can remove the check box in "Options -> Create an Inbox Rule" at "redirect all incoming". Sending new Science mail to Exchange can be turned on by visiting the [https://dhz.science.ru.nl Do-It-Yourself Site] and "forward" to the @ru.nl mail address. Note that if there is a redirect line in Exchange, Exchange will not forward mails with sender address the same as the forwarding address, in order to prevent mail loops.
Also see the manual: [http://www.ru.nl/ict-uk/staff/mail-calendar/user-guides/forwarding-your-mail/ Forwarding your mail from your RU account to another account]
Historical note:  
Historical note:  
* Starting August 1 2017, all FNWI employees who do not have an account yet in [http://www.ru.nl/ict-uk/staff/mail-calendar/ Exchange, the RU central mail and calendar], will get such an account and with that an extra mail address, of the form [mailto:Givenname.Surname@ru.nl Givenname.Surname@ru.nl]. For anyone who already has an Exchange account, with a mail address ending in e.g. @ru.nl @donders.ru.nl @fnwi.ru.nl, nothing changes.
* Starting August 1 2017, all FNWI employees who do not have an account yet in [http://www.ru.nl/ict-uk/staff/mail-calendar/ Exchange, the RU central mail and calendar], will get such an account and with that an extra mail address, of the form [mailto:Givenname.Surname@ru.nl Givenname.Surname@ru.nl]. For anyone who already has an Exchange account, with a mail address ending in e.g. @ru.nl @donders.ru.nl @fnwi.ru.nl, nothing changes.
[[Category:Support]] [[Category:AllPages]]

Latest revision as of 15:11, 11 December 2019

The Exchange account gives you access to the central RU mail and calendar service.

Your Exchange account gives you access to your:

look at above pages for more details.

Note that by default all mail to your Exchange account is forwarded to you Science Account, however you can still use the exchange calendar without any problems. For details see: Email#Science_Email_or_Exchange_Email

Historical note:

  • Starting August 1 2017, all FNWI employees who do not have an account yet in Exchange, the RU central mail and calendar, will get such an account and with that an extra mail address, of the form Givenname.Surname@ru.nl. For anyone who already has an Exchange account, with a mail address ending in e.g. @ru.nl @donders.ru.nl @fnwi.ru.nl, nothing changes.