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Look at the  Data Protection Policy page how to handle data securely.

Home Share from C&CZ

With your science account you automatically receive a home directory.

The home directory is automatically backed up by C&CZ with a daily, monthly and yearly backup and is general accessible  :

  • home directory on C&CZ linux servers (shared using nfs protocol)
  • H: drive on C&CZ managed pc's running windows (shared using smb protocol)
  • on any other host you can mount it as a network disk :
    You need to attach the network share using your science account :
    • Windows: \\<Server>\<ScienceAccount>
      Note: when asked for credentials with a login popup window, and this popup window shows it is using a different windows domain than B-FAC,
      then you can also specify the windows domain in the user field as: B-FAC\<ScienceAccount>
    • Linux/Mac: smb://<Server>/<ScienceAccount>
  • Where <Server> is one of :
    • pile.science.ru.nl
    • bundle.science.ru.nl
    • pluri.science.ru.nl
  • To find out which you need to use you can login to https://dhz.science.ru.nl/index?Language=en where you can see at the main page which server to start under the heading "Home disk at".


The space is limited by a quota. Questions about the size and used space of your quota can be answered :

  • on linux by using the 'quota -sQ' linux command on one  of the  linux servers  lilo1.cs.ru.nl or lilo2.cs.ru.nl of C&CZ.
  • on windows you can see the soft limit of your quota by looking at the properties of the home share.

If you are over quota than you automatically get the following email from C&CZ:

 Warning: You are over quota on your network home partition on the server pile.science.ru.nl.
 Above you find the disk usage, the number of saved files and the quota limits.
 You are adviced to clean up disk space by removing redundant files.
 To see how the disk usage is distributed over the directories, use:
   Using Linux  : du -sk * .??* | sort -n
   Using Windows: WinDirStat  (on managed PCs it can be found in S:\\windirstat)
 For additional info: please contact C&CZ, postmaster@science.ru.nl, phone 53535.

A bigger quota can be requested by contacting one of the scientific programmers

Example: check quota on linux

 jan@lilo2:~$ quota -sQ
Disk quotas for user jan (uid 4111):
Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
             382M    489M    538M            2938   50000   55000
 jan@lilo2:~$ du -sh ~
382M    /home/jan

Thus the user jan :

  • has 382 Megabyte in use scattered over 2938 files
  • has a quota of 489 Megabyte and a maximum number of 50000 files
  • for a limited time he is allowed to use upto 538 Megabyte and 55000 of files
  • so the user jan is not over quota