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Publications per section

The publications within iCIS are listed per section:

Currently, at the end of the year each section gathers a list of its publications and these are then published at the above links. In the future, a researcher needs to publish his publication with the related dataset in RIS himself.

Research Information Services (RIS) frontend for Radboud Repository, Metis database and DANS EASY archive

Research Information Services (RIS) is frontend/interface to several other systems such that researchers themselves are able to register and upload publications and datasets and link them. Via RIS, this information is made accessible in the Radboud Repository, on the internet, on researchers' personal profile pages, and in the national research data bank Narcis. Publications are stored in METIS and linked to Datasets who are stored in the DANS EASY archive.

The Radboud Repository is a database of the university’s scholarly publications and research data, containing the full texts of thousands of publications by the university’s researchers. Under the banner of ‘sharing science’, this literature is easy to find and is accessible worldwide free of charge. The Radboud Repository can be found at: https://repository.ubn.ru.nl/.

METIS is the Radboud University's research information system, the Metis database. RIS (Research Information Services) is the front-end of Metis, the current research information system (CRIS) of Radboud University.

The DANS EASY archive is an online archiving system for depositing and reusing research data. Through DANS EASY, data from research can be shared with others. Together we ensure sustained access and reusability of research data. You can use RIS to make a dataset available via the certified DANS EASY archive.

More info about RIS:

Research Data Management (RDS)

Research Data Management is about properly storing your research data (software, benchmarks, ..) enabling other researchers to check your results and build further on them. Research data management is important: there have been many instances where a PhD student developed some nice software tool, published papers about it, got his/her degree, but only a few years later the tool was no longer available, and so the results could no longer be verified or used. This is bad science!

The current plan from our executive board is to explicitly ask manuscript committees to evaluate research data management of the data on which a PhD thesis is based. Basically, this means that if you are working on a PhD thesis now, you want to pay serious attention to research data management! Actually, also when you are not writing a PhD thesis!!

Datasets can be deposited via the RIS interface in the DANS EASY archive.

There is some good help available:

  • On the RIS interface website good instructions and support are available.
  • iCIS has an official data management policy that is available via https://www.ru.nl/icis/research-data-management/policy-protocol/ and a data steward, Bart Mennink, who can help you. Briefly summarized, the policy of iCIS is that all our software, benchmarks, etc... is developed under version control, e.g. with Git, and that snapshots of the research data that we describe in our publications are deposited in data repositories such as the Radboud RIS system.
  • Radboud University maintains some excellent webpages on research data management, see https://www.ru.nl/rdm/


PMS stands for Publication Management System. This system must be used to register Technical Reports. In addition it can also be used to register other types of publications. But currently it is only used for technical reports.